Smart Cross-Border with Global-e

On November 8, 2023 Under the theme ‘The Future of Global-e-CommerceA seminar hosted by global company Global-e was held at the Shilla Hotel guesthouse. Brand executives and employees from various industries doing global business, including Global-e, DHL Korea, and 300cbt, participated, and 300cbt gave a presentation as the third speaker.

The first presentation was held by Global-e. Global-e is a global company headquartered in Israel and listed on Nasdaq under the ticker GLBE. We have formed a partnership with Shopify and DHL to resolve all issues related to payment, delivery, and customs/value-added tax.

The second presentation was made by Japanese brand Hinoya . Hinoya started global sales through Shopify while looking for a way out during the coronavirus pandemic, and is experiencing a very satisfactory increase in sales through linking with Global-e. Through this announcement, they shared the experience of an actual global seller.

And the third presentation was given by 300cb t under the theme of ‘Smart Cross-Border with Global-e’. Through our experience linking with Global-e, we were able to solve important issues that we had been struggling with, and we shared that experience.

Recently, I have been interacting and collaborating with people from various backgrounds through Shopify, and I think it is a truly grateful experience. I've often thought that Korea was like Galapagos, isolated from the global market, blocked by an invisible wall, but recently I feel like cracks are slowly appearing in that wall. I am very excited to see what new opportunities will unfold in the future.

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