Cross Border Payment

This is the overseas payment system blog of Sam Baek CBT, a Shopify building specialist agency. We carefully select and deliver accurate and useful data, including overseas columns and our insights.

  1. 차지백(Chargebacks)을 관리할 수 있을까?

    Can you manage chargebacks?

  2. 해외 쇼핑몰 결제를 위한 페이팔 비즈니스 솔루션 세팅

    Setting up PayPal business solution for payment at overseas shopping malls

  3. 이커머스 결제수단으로 알아보는 글로벌 페이먼트 리포트 (해외 쇼핑몰 결제)

    Global payment report on e-commerce payment methods (overseas shopping mall payment)