300cbt news

300cbt news

300cbt News

This is the news page of SamBaekCBT, a Shopify building specialist agency. Please keep an eye on SamBaekCBT's growth through partnerships, government projects such as contract vouchers, and project orders.

  1. 글로벌 아모레몰 구축/운영사 선정

    Selected as global Amore Mall construction/operator

  2. 이니스프리 X 삼백씨비티

    Innisfree Asia D2C Store Construction

  3. 올리브영 PB 브랜드 브링그린, 컬러그램, 웨이크메이크 북미 스토어 구축

    Olive Young PB brands Bring Green, Colorgram, and WakeMake establish North American stores

  4. 낚시커뮤니티 어바웃피싱 온라인 스토어 구축

    Building an online store for the fishing community About Fishing

  5. apr X 삼백씨비티

    APR D2C Brand Medicube, April Skin, Noldy, Glamdy Store Construction and Maintenance

  6. 베리홉 X 삼백씨비티

    VARI:HOPE Establishes Stores in North America and Japan

  7. 이태리 명품 구매대행 리츠몰 스토어 구축

    Establishment of Ritz Mall Store, an Italian luxury goods purchasing agency

  8. 닥터지 X 삼백씨비티

    Dr.G Global, Establishing Japanese Store

  9. 파지티브호텔 (POSITIVE HOTEL) 글로벌 스토어 구축

    POSITIVE HOTEL Global Store Construction

  10. 논픽션(Nonfiction) 글로벌, 일본 스토어 구축

    Building a global, Japanese store for Nonfiction

  11. 브랜디(BRANDI) 글로벌, 일본 스토어 구축

    BRANDI Global, Establishing Japanese Store

  12. GO TO MARKET Dior Cosmetic 구축/운영사 선정

    GO TO MARKET DIOR Official Online Store Construction/Operation Company Selection