Save Abendon Cart (payment abandonment) by email!

68% of online shopping carts are abandoned without completing payment (just put them in the shopping cart in your mind...)

Abandon Cart: An order in which an online customer checks the product they want to purchase and reaches the online cart page, but leaves the cart page without completing payment (can be confirmed through log analysis)

​The ultimate goal of online marketing is to increase purchase conversion rate. Abendon Cart email marketing is commonly used to increase purchase conversion rates. Let’s find out through a case study how overseas companies are using Abendon Card email efficiently!
cart recovery

▲ An e-commerce purchase funnel that may be shocking if you encounter it for the first time.

KakaoTalk and SMS are widely used as customer management channels in Korea, but email is still the most used in English-speaking countries. Email can be said to be the beginning and end of online business. Therefore, the market for email specialized marketing services (ESPs) such as MailChimp and GetResponse is growing for more efficient email management.

Sending Abendon cart recovery email

Now, let's look at an actual example of how to guide uncompleted orders to payment completion via email.

  • : Merchandise platform for musicians, creators, and brands

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▲ Hello Much’s Abendon Cart Recovery Email

HelloMuch, which uses Shopify, is a platform that produces and distributes merchandise products for bands and brands. Abendon Card Mail uses the basic form provided by Shopify.

  • ​ : Design-focused gift and household goods curation shop

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▲ fab’s Abendon Cart Recovery Mail

While maintaining the tone and manner of the Fab site, we use the copy "Smile, it's still for sale" in the email content to encourage purchase completion. Since the bed is a high-involvement product, it is noticeable that a customer phone number has been added so that inquiries can be made immediately.

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▲’s Abendon Cart Recovery Mail

As a design solution company, Abenden Cart also maintains the tone and manner of the site.

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▲ Dogiroot’s Urbanden Cart Recovery Mail

We're sending you a message to hurry up and complete your purchase before your dog gets disappointed, not you. It's funny that at the end of the email, you use the expression "lots of licks" from the dog's perspective.

Discount coupons provided for recovery

In order to convert an Abendon cart into a completed purchase, it would be better to provide benefits to actual customers rather than a general message. The most common method is to offer discount coupons.

​Limited time offers or delivering more personalized messages can be of great help in increasing purchase conversion rates. In fact, shopping malls send an email with a discount coupon when a first-time visitor's order is processed into the Abendon cart, encouraging them to place their first order (payment completed). This is a very useful way to attract visitors into customers.

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▲ Hello’s Abendon Cart Recovery Mail

Hello is increasing purchase conversion by providing a 15% discount coupon called "NOMAD15DEAL" that can be used within 48 hours in the Abanden Cart email.

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▲ Urban Outfitters’ Urbanden Cart Recovery Mail

Urban Outfitters is Get Them Before They're Gone! The message ‘Shop’ is used to encourage purchase completion.

If you join a competitor or an overseas site you want to benchmark and order and experience their shopping mall operation process directly, you can learn simple expressions used in English-speaking countries. Set a benchmarking day once or twice a month to share data and experiences with team members. This will be of great help in running your shopping mall.

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