Shopify Education (Shopify Master Course) Sketch May 2019

Shopify Education May Review

Shopify Education May Review

May 16th, 17th,  We conducted the Shopify Master Course over three days on the 24th. The lectures were designed to enable students to create and operate an actual shopping mall themselves, from setting up, designing, and marketing the global e-commerce platform Shopify, and were conducted in parallel with practical training.

The main target audience is those who are interested in overseas shopping malls but have not been able to start one, those who opened a shopping mall using Magento, Woocommerce, etc. but had difficulty operating it due to technical issues, and those who are currently selling on marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay and need their own sales channel.

Course Curriculum

Day 1 (Thursday, May 16): Setting up Shopify and registering products

  1. Overview of overseas e-commerce
  2. Shopify Basic Settings
  3. Payment, checkout settings
  4. Shipping, Notification Settings
  5. Product registration, collections, and navigation settings
  6. Search Engine Optimization and Blogging Tips

Day 2 (Friday, May 17): Shopify Theme Design and App Management

  1. Install the theme
  2. Editing Sections and Liquid Files
  3. Install apps required for operation
  4. Introducing an integrated email marketing and social management app
  5. Google Search Console, Analytics Integration, Facebook Pixel

Day 3 (Friday, May 24): Shopify Marketing

  1. Google Shopping, Facebook Ads
  2. Competitor Site Backlinks and Traffic Analysis
  3. Influencer Marketing
  4. Individual student consulting

The benefits for students include Shopify premium theme (for testing), overseas e-commerce related materials and benchmarking, and information on backlinks from competing sites. You gave me To you all again once Thank you , and yours E-commerce Success genesis do .

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