삼백씨비티 클라이언트 글로벌셀프뷰티 슬라이드 모바일 이미지-1
삼백씨비티 클라이언트 글로벌셀프뷰티 슬라이드 모바일 이미지-2
삼백씨비티 클라이언트 글로벌셀프뷰티 슬라이드 모바일 이미지-3

Shopify Store Build

삼백씨비티 클라이언트 글로벌셀프뷰티 이미지-1


Clients: SB Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

Launching: 2020

  • Industry: Health and Beauty
  • Shopify Plan: Shopify
  • Target For: GLOBAL
  • Based In: KR
  • Service Objective: Store building
삼백씨비티 클라이언트 글로벌셀프뷰티 이미지-2


More Self love, Share Your Love

Self-beauty cosmetics, a vegan cosmetics brand that pursues rational consumption and fundamental values, started from the common imagination that everyone has had at least once: 'It's as natural as your own skin.' Self-Beauty is a self-performance beauty brand that started with the strange idea of ​​wanting to look like you don't have makeup on.

The Solution

The self-beauty store has its own delivery system linked to PayPal and Eximbay payment systems. Review app, rich snippet optimization, email marketing function, etc. are set up and operated.

삼백씨비티 클라이언트 글로벌셀프뷰티 이미지-3

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