Apply to participate in the Global Digital Marketing Conference SET

by 300cbt Team

300cbt, an overseas e-commerce company and Shopify partner, is participating in the Global Digital Marketing Conference with a booth.

  • Date: April 9, 2019
  • 2621 Nambusunhwan-ro, Dogok-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul FLAG 1
  • Hosted by: Performas

strategy | Strategy

Innovation for customer experience, artificial intelligence, and changes in marketing methods.

- Mastering Marketing Innovation and Technology

Innovate marketing with agile. In a rapidly changing digital consumer and digital media environment, marketing must also change to be agile.

- Declaration of the Agile Marketing Era

The era of artificial intelligence marketing has arrived. Will it be taken over or leveraged?

- The marketing environment that artificial intelligence is changing and our response

Now is the time to target the Southeast Asian market. Understanding Southeast Asian consumers from a Southeast Asian marketing expert.

- Southeast Asia is no longer just a resort, but a target market to aim for.

Run | Execution

Automate your marketing without any more effort.

- HubSpot, the world’s No. 1 ‘marketing automation’, makes its first official announcement in Korea

Looking at the commerce strategies of overseas fashion brands that have succeeded in the Chinese market, such as GAP and Mango.

- Brand commerce, how to succeed in e-commerce in the Chinese market

Personalized customer experience changed by artificial intelligence chatbot - Facebook artificial intelligence messenger campaign

- Cross-cultural marketing using AI chatbot

Transformation | Transformation

Performance of multicultural organizations required for global marketing, resolved through agile organization

- Cultural Agility for global, glocal, international, and local agile marketing transition

Apply for conference>

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