The starting logo of e-commerce branding | Hatchful, a free logo creation site

A global store without a sign?

Are you selling on eBay and don't have a registered image on your user page? If so, it's probably because you don't have a logo. No logo means you don't have branding for the products you sell, and no branding means you have a low conversion rate. This type of situation doesn't allow repeat purchases, which are essential for e-commerce success.

If you look at the store pages of Korean sellers who are selling on eBay, there are many cases where the seller ID has been created for years but the logo image has not been registered yet. What these stores have in common is that they often only sell products that Korean sellers have sold a lot or are known to have sold a lot. From the buyer's perspective, this inevitably makes them look unprofessional. For example, if a store sells Korean cosmetics, compression wear (body-hugging sportswear), gloves, watches, K-pop goods, and Korean character products... would that look professional? Oh, right. Red ginseng was left out.

This can be seen not only on eBay but also on other marketplaces like Qoo10. If you have been selling overseas for more than 6 months, it is time to decide on your own sales category. Of course, you need to find a niche market through market segmentation and specialize. At this time, branding is necessary, and the beginning of branding is, of course, a logo.

shopify free logo tool hatchful-1 ▲ Non-branded ID and user page. The ID looks like a password.

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▲ Unbranded Amazon seller ID. Games4Life is the only one that seems relevant among game-related product sellers.

ecommerce store logo

The basics of a web page are text and images. Anyone can write text, but images require the skills and intuition of a designer. The results vary depending on the proficiency of Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. It would be good to have a designer, but since it is unlikely that there will be full-time design work due to the nature of overseas sales marketplace sales, it is difficult to hire one readily. This is a process that many Soho founders go through.

Recently, many people have been requesting logos through talent markets such as Fever or Kmong in Korea. However, the results may not be satisfactory. However, you do not need to run to a bookstore and buy a thick illustration book to create a logo.

Simple is Better

The key to a logo is simplicity. Most of the people reading this post are targeting overseas markets, so it would be better to avoid Korean-style logos that use a lot of illustrations. If you don't have a designer in-house, I recommend creating a logo yourself using only text.
We see countless logos every day through advertisements and products, but when you actually try to create a logo for your own company or brand, you may feel that it is not as easy as you thought. The easiest and fastest way to do this is to choose a logo that consists only of text and color.

Tips for creating a simple logo

  • Selecting a suitable font through benchmarking
  • Decide on the colors to use (colors are also used in the shopping mall design, marketplace store, etc.)
  • Determine the deformation shape according to the 1:1, 1:X (horizontal) ratio

If you are creating a logo with only text, you can easily create it using Photoshop, but if this is your first time creating a logo, you can get help creating a logo by creating colors, feeling, layout, etc. using Hatchfull's template.

Hatchful, a free logo creation tool

Hatchful is a free logo creation tool provided by the e-commerce platform Shopify that allows anyone to easily create a simple logo. Once you create a logo in Hatchful, you can create logos to use on social channels such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter at once based on that logo.

shopify free logo toll hatchful
▲ Hatchful banner. Click GET STARTED to start creating your logo.

1. Click GET STARTED, select the business category you belong to, and click NEXT. (The most used templates for each category will be selected.)

shopify free logo toll hatchful

2. Choose a logo design style.

shopify free logo toll hatchful

3. Enter your business name or brand name. The slogan is optional and will only apply to templates that include a slogan.

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4. Choose where you want to use the logo. You can download all assets by simply selecting Online store or website.

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5. Select one of the generated designs. You can edit it by selecting the color and icon used.

shopify free logo toll hatchful

6. Modify the font, color, icon, etc. of the selected design to fit your brand.

shopify free logo toll hatchful

7. Check the created logo and click DOWNLOAD LOGO to create an account. (A download link will be sent to the email address you entered in your account.)

shopify free logo toll hatchful
8. You can edit existing logos at any time with the account you created, and you can also create additional logos.

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9. Click the link in the email to download the logo file.

shopify free logo toll hatchful

Since social channel images are generated based on the logo you created, it is better to use a different image, such as a product banner, for the Facebook cover to avoid design boredom, and when building an online shopping mall, it is better to create a simpler favicon since it is not easily visible at a glance.

Now you can use the logo you created on your eBay user page, Qoo10 store page, etc. If you add a slogan or tagline in addition to the logo, you can create a more professional store. Then, you can use the logo to create a business card (business card), and you can also use it on the thank you card or flyer included when sending a product.

Branding starts with a logo. Create one today.

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