2019 October Shopify Meetup Seoul Review Sketch
Shopify Meetup is an event that introduces Shopify, an e-commerce platform, for overseas e-commerce sellers and startups preparing to expand overseas, and shares information on overseas sales, including success stories and overseas e-commerce know-how.
This meetup, held on October 30th at the MARU180 event hall, was attended by Shopify partner SamBaekCBT, global delivery company UPS Korea, Korea’s first post office international delivery integration app developer OnShipping, global fintech company WorldFirst, and global payment company Paymentwall, who shared related know-how and insights on overseas e-commerce.
![2019 October Shopify Meetup Seoul Review Sketch](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0021/0098/5945/files/batch_KakaoTalk_20191101_145138543_95f8ecb6-fb2b-4862-a911-bc0f48c6de21.jpg?v=1704348604)
CBT Sellers and Corporate Officials
1:30 PM — 2:00 PM Registration and Networking
2:00 PM — 2:40 PM E-commerce platform Shopify (Sam Baek CBT CEO Jaeik Lee)
2:40 PM — 3:00 PM Efficient Overseas Sales Payment Receipt (World First General Manager Choi Hyeong-ryeol)
3:00 PM — 3:20 PM Cross-Border Payments | Understanding Global Consumers (Paymentwall Manager Hyunjung Kim)
3:20 PM — 3:40 PM Break Time
3:40 PM — 4:00 PM Delivery sharing economy platform for e-commerce (Onshipping CEO Lee Jong-jin)
4:00 PM — 4:20 PM UPS Pulse of the online Shopper 2019 (UPS Korea Jin Jeong-hwan, Vice President)
4:20 PM — 5:00 PM Q/A Session and Networking
![ups team](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0021/0098/5945/files/batch_KakaoTalk_20191101_145120484.jpg?v=1704348657)
UPS Manager Jinhwan Jeong and the UPS Korea team participated as speakers
As it was a Shopify meetup, 300cbt CEO Jaeik Lee started the Shopify session first, followed by lectures from Worldfirstdml CEO Hyeongryeol Choi, Paymentwall manager Hyeonjeong Kim, On-shipping CEO Jongjin Lee, and UPS Deputy Manager Jinhwan Jin.
300cbt CEO Jaeik Lee hosts the first Shopify Meetup Seoul session
World First Korea CEO Choi Hyeong-ryeol giving a lecture
Attendees listening to a meetup session
Paymentwall Manager Kim Hyun-jung's session
Onshipping CEO Lee Jong-jin and 300cbt CEO Lee Jae-ik
Various consultations were actively conducted at each company's booth set up at the entrance.
300cbt CEO Lee Jae-ik consulting with Shopify
Lecture by UPS Korea Vice President Jin Jeong-hwan
This was a site where you could feel the popularity of Shopify, the e-commerce multi-channel platform chosen by 10 million merchants in 172 countries around the world, which is also attracting great interest and attention from domestic companies.
Q&A time after the lecture
We will prepare more diverse topics for the next meetup. Thank you to everyone who participated.