
Introducing Shopify Meetups hosted by SamBaekCBT and events that will help you sell online.

  1. Smart Cross-Border with Global-e

    Smart Cross-Border with Global-e Conference Presentation

  2. "소상공인 지식배움터" 유튜브 라이브강의 진행

    "Small Business Knowledge Learning Center" YouTube Live Lecture

  3. 대성그룹 쇼피파이 방문 교육

    Daesung Group Shopify Visit Training

  4. [후기] 2020 1월 CBT 포럼 후기 스케치

    January 2020 CBT Forum Review Sketch

  5. [후기] 2019 10월 쇼피파이 밋업 서울 후기 스케치

    2019 October Shopify Meetup Seoul Review Sketch

  6. K SHOP 2019 참가

    Participated in K SHOP 2019

  7. 경희대 이커머스 강의 진행

    Kyunghee University E-commerce Lecture