Ecommerce Marketing

This is the e-commerce marketing information blog of SamBaekCBT, an agency specializing in building Shopify. We provide marketing tips used overseas, such as affiliate, YouTube, and social marketing.

  1. B2C 해외 온라인 수출자를 위한 세금신고와 부가세 환급

    Tax reporting and value-added tax refund for B2C overseas online exporters

  2. 해외 판매의 장점과 혜택 제대로 누리기 (2) - 수출신고

    Enjoy the advantages and benefits of overseas sales (2) - Export declaration

  3. 해외 판매의 장점과 혜택 제대로 누리기 (1) - 부가세 환급

    Enjoy the advantages and benefits of overseas sales (1) - VAT refund

eCommerce Marketing

eCommerce Marketing