This is the SEO blog of SamBaekCBT, a Shopify building specialist agency. We will provide you with practical SEO information such as domains, backlinks, and SERP.

  1. 백링크 거부 방법

    How to reject backlinks

  2. SEO 타이틀 태그란 무엇인가? 타이틀 태그는 왜 중요한가?

    What is an SEO title tag? Why are title tags important?

  3. 검색결과 페이지(SERP)란 무엇이고, 검색 엔진 결과 페이지는 어떻게 작동하는가

    What is a Search Results Page (SERP) and How Do Search Engine Results Pages Work?

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization