Launch of Facebook Shop and integration with Shopify store

The basic idea for any business is to start from ‘where the customer is.’

Previously, for business, stores were opened in places with a lot of customer traffic, but online, various social platforms serve as digital meeting places, providing brand stories and experiences tailored to that community and communicating with customers.

In this online age, SNS is an important marketing channel and place of communication with customers, and its representative company, Facebook, has entered the e-commerce business in earnest.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced on May 19 (local time) that he would launch 'Facebook Shops' in the United States, a feature that allows you to sell products by linking to Facebook and Instagram. Yes.

This service is said to be planning to rapidly expand its service area within the next few months. Now, anyone can create an online store on Facebook and Instagram for 'free' through Facebook Shop and Instagram Shop, and through this, sellers can create an online store on Facebook and Instagram for free. Through Facebook Shop, people can now create online stores with different designs that can showcase their brand value.

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Of course, even before launching Facebook Shop, there were many people selling products through Facebook and Instagram. The method was to encourage consumers to purchase the product by entering a ‘purchase page link’ along with the product description in related content such as product photos, card news, and videos.

It has also been possible in the past to display catalogs of products registered with Shopify by linking them to a Facebook Shop page or Instagram account and encourage purchases to the product page through a shopping link. However, it is now possible to create a Facebook shop and sell directly by linking Shopify to Facebook Shop. For this digital shopping experience, we provide convenient functions to create a store front optimized for Facebook Shop and Instagram.

Facebook Shop: Create a brand store for Facebook and Instagram

Facebook Shop is a simple store version on the Facebook and Instagram mobile apps that serves as a store so that billions of users can easily find and purchase your products on social media apps.

Although it is still only available in the United States, Facebook Shop includes its own payment solutions, ‘Facebook Pay’ and ‘Instagram Checkout.’ We also provide customer CS and delivery product tracking solutions, which are provided by linking WhatsApp, a mobile messenger acquired by Facebook, and Instagram DM.

You can bring your products to the digital marketplace of Facebook and Instagram and provide the same purchasing experience as in the original shopping mall on any device and through each channel. You can customize the colors and layout of your Facebook shop to express your brand concept and product characteristics, and like a Shopify store, you can organize and display collections based on product characteristics.


Customers can quickly find the products they want in Facebook Shop, and by linking with Shopify, products, inventory, and management are completely linked to the Shopify store, allowing exposure and operation to many sales channels through the Shopify admin. .

Preparation for Facebook Shop

By adding social channels provided to Shopify, Shopify users can quickly provide this new mobile shopping experience to customers.

If you already have access to product tags through the Instagram sales channel, they will automatically be available for Facebook Shop in the coming weeks, and you will be notified directly when they are available. You can set up a Facebook shop on Instagram, and a Facebook version is said to be released soon.

If you haven't set up product tags on Instagram yet, you'll be able to use Facebook Shop in the coming months. To prepare your store, simply add a new Facebook channel in Channels. Simple, right? Detailed management is possible through various sales and marketing applications through Facebook-related apps. If you synchronize products in the Shopify store through the Facebook channel and log in to your Facebook Shop account once, they will be automatically linked.


Now, all businesses are becoming online businesses, and we need to greet our customers on Facebook and Instagram, where they spend their time.

Have you started a Facebook Shop yet? You can start communicating with customers right away on Facebook Shop by simply adding a channel.

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