Shopify Update

This is the Shopify update page delivered by SamBaekCBT, a Shopify building specialist agency. We will deliver the latest news on Shopify with insights.

  1. Shopify X YouTube 파트너십

    Shopify X YouTube Partnership

  2. Shopify X Spotify : 이커머스와 아티스트의 완벽한 만남

    Shopify X Spotify: The Perfect Match Between E-Commerce and Artists

  3. Shopify X 틱톡(TikTok) 연동

    Shopify X TikTok Integration

  4. 브랜디드 페이스북 샵 연동

    Branded Facebook shop integration

  5. 쇼피파이 X 핀터레스트 채널


  6. 퍼스널 쇼핑 어시스턴트 샵(SHOP) 론칭

    Launch of personal shopping assistant shop (SHOP)

  7. 아마존 판매 채널 연동이 쉬워집니다.

    Amazon Sales Channel Integration Update

  8. 새 판매 채널 Buzzfeed 업데이트

    New Sales Channel Buzzfeed Updates

Shopify update

Shopify update